Happy May Day

I suppose I am obligated to do some kind of cursory update, if only because I paid for a whole year of this domain name.  No sense wasting Internet bits.  The simple fact is though, I’ve not really done anything.  A few less than inspiring bike rides, a couple of random dinners, and a lot of boring Royals games on my patio.  The wife is out of town, and I really don’t do well at entertaining myself.  Work has been beyond hectic too, but I’m sure that’s even more boring subject matter than what I’ve watched on TV lately.  Part of my ongoing boredom is due to the weather also;  The monsoon rains have continued pretty steadily.  I think they may have stopped, with the possible exception of this coming weekend.  (Why always on the weekend??!?!)  I appreciate your continued patronage here at the website though.  You never know, one day you might randomly check in for a read and find I’ve done something absolutely fascinating.  Yeah, keep holding your breath for that.