Back To School

Happy back-to-school week!  That event doesn’t mean a whole heck of a lot to me, it’s just all I could come up with for a title.  In other big news, we had a fun weekend.  Friday was kind of busy and slipped away before I knew what happened, so I’ll skip that day.  Saturday, for whatever reason, we spent the afternoon shopping.  Oddly, it sounded like a fun thing to do, so I went with it.  We kicked off this momentous event with lunch at Rubio’s in Folsom, which I’d describe as an upscale Taco Bell.  Pretty good, really, at least for around here.  After a tasty meal, we drove across the street to Academy Sports, to indulge my odd urge to shop.  I’d never been in one of those stores, it was quite a place.  We scouted some kayaks, various pairs of shoes, pellet guns, camping gear…  Little bit of everything.  That all culminated with the purchase of absolutely nothing.  It did however sate my shopping urge, that was all I could take.  Headed home for good nap.  For evening entertainment we headed down the street to a car show.  I’ll tell you what, we are really reaching for things to do out here.  I can’t recall that I’ve ever been to a car show in my life.  It passed the time though, and the cars were pretty cool.  There were a bunch of classics for the most part, with a few exotics and customs thrown in the mix for variety.  It was a nice night to walk around outside if nothing else.

Sunday, Donette headed out to the pool, while I decided to work on cooking “something.”  After probably way-too-much debate, I settled on smoking a pork butt and making a batch of verde sauce.  I’d happened to notice that butts were on sale at a nearby Food 4 Less, so that was my first stop.  Indeed, they were on “sale,” if for the not so impressive price of $2.50.  Hey, it’s cheaper than beef I guess.  Roast in hand, I ambled over to the produce department next, for what would be a most unfortunate conversation with the produce guy.  My inquiry as to the availability of Hatch chiles was met with a blank stare, then he says “Why do people keep asking for those?”  Uhhh, because they’re in season?  Because it’s an event?  Because they’re friggin’ awesome?  Because you’re in a grocery store?  He then proceeded to helpfully inform me that they did have anaheims, and they look just the same.  Ouch.  Yeah you’ve got a bunch of apples over there that all look like apples too.  Probably a few kinds of potatoes that all look remarkably similar to potatoes.  Tsk.  I took my pork and indignantly stomped off, never to return to that poor excuse of a grocery again.  I headed off to the good ol’ neighborhood Nugget, where they thankfully did have genuine Hatch chiles, if in precious short supply.  My misfortunes of the day would continue when I later noticed the checker rang them up as pasillas though, at twice the price.  Have these people no sense of pepper-pride at all around here????  I spent the rest of the day on the patio, tending the smoker and roasting various veggies over the Weber.  The overall cook went pretty well, I was reasonably happy with the end product.  The pork came out better than average, but the verde came out so doggone spicy I can barely eat it.  Might need to tone down the peppers just a bit next time…

Here’s some pictures from the car show.  My apologies if all my id’s aren’t correct, I’m not that much of a car-guy.

6 thoughts on “Back To School

    • I’ve gone a little different route every time, I was pretty happy with this last round though. (Other than being insanely spicy; That was the Hatch chiles I think.)
      2.5 lbs green chiles
      2 poblano peppers
      1 jalapeno
      2.5 lbs tomatillos
      1 head garlic, roasted
      two yellow onions
      salt & pepper
      one bunch cilantro

      I roasted/blackened all the peppers on the grill and peeled them. I threw the tomatillos & onions on the grill for a bit too, but not very long. Threw everything in the blender except the cilantro and blended it smooth, then added the chopped cilantro. I’ve added a bottle of mexican beer in the last few batches but I think that made it too thin.

    • We’re officially locked out of our house, can’t just walk in and take pics anymore! Hoping it might be open today.

    • Yeah it was a bit out of control, ha. I smoked a five lb. pork butt and there was enough to mix in with that, plus another quart or so.

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