Beating the Heat

Yup, still hot here.  Better, but still well into the roasting range.  It’s starting to wear on us a little bit, so when we got the chance to escape the heat for the weekend we jumped on it.  A group was heading down to the coast for a little camping trip, and we got the added bonus of seeing an area we hadn’t been to before.  The area was called Duncans Mills, which at a 3 hour drive was a bit further than we usually care to travel.  I’d say it was well worth it though.  The trip got us some fantastic scenery, and it was a good 30 degrees cooler.  As a matter of fact, sleeping in the tent at night was downright chilly, but I’ll take that over being hot any time.  While we were there, we explored a few new wineries, and made the short trip to nearby Bodega Bay to see the ocean.

We got back Saturday evening, pretty well worn out.  Sunday was spent on the couch, but at least it was the back yard couch.  We brought a little cooler weather back with us!  I’ve got a lot of pics to post this week, so I’ll go with those instead of actual content.  Bonus.

2 thoughts on “Beating the Heat

    • Thanks! Yeah there was some great scenery for sure, wish we’d have taken our good camera.

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