Happy Wednesday

Wow, Wednesday already.  A day late and a dollar short, as usual.  I worked the better part of the weekend, which I am guessing nobody has any interest in hearing about.  Heck, I didn’t even have any interest in it, but that pesky mortgage kept me motivated.  I did have a nice day off Sunday though.  The weather cooled off significantly, so I fired up the smoker and threw on a 12 lb. brisket I’d come across at the grocery earlier in the week.  Pretty uneventful, yet enjoyable day.  Lots of hanging out on the patio watching TV, staring at the smoker.  I guess I did have a little excitement getting the cooker running.  Little fire-safety tip:  When starting your charcoal, do not set the chimney in the mulch bed, especially when it hasn’t rained in two months.  OK, I’ll grant you, that might be a common sense item, but my brain moves a little slowly at 6:30 in the morning.  Man, that stuff went up like a bunch of dry wood chips, which makes sense considering it’s a bunch of dry wood chips.  Whoops.  Adds a little color to that part of the landscaping I guess.  As for the brisket, it came out pretty well.  If I had time I’d have left it on for another 2 hours, but we invited company over so the “done” time was driven by that.  It was certainly passable, needed just a bit more time.  I’ve still got the point in the ‘fridge, so it’ll go back on soon for a big burnt-end dinner.  High hopes for that.