Not a bad weekend, if perhaps a bit uneventful. Other adjectives might be unproductive, boring, tedious… Let’s stick with “uneventful” though. I really got sucked in by the start of the football season, and just didn’t quite get around to doing anything else. Probably should have done something wacky on Friday evening so I could say I at least did something, but I had to rest up for my weekend on the couch, I guess. At least I can say the games went favorably! All my favorite teams won, both college and pro, and my not-so-favorite (i.e. despised) teams all lost. **Not to include the 49ers game, which hasn’t been played yet. I can’t really say they fall on my “favorites” list anyway, but I do try and follow them.
Sunday, we did have some friends up for dinner, so at least we had one “event” over the weekend. True, I sat on the couch and stared at the football games the whole time, but then I’m not that good of company anyway. I invited them up a last week after the local butcher shop advertised that they had some SRF steaks on hand. I’ve purchased a brisket off that website before, (and it was great,) but never the steaks. Just never quite been able to pull the trigger on ordering them off the website. Regardless of whether they are “worth it” or not, it’s just a lot of money to spend on steaks, and then they ding you additional for shipping of course. So, this was my chance to try them without the shipping charge, and as an added bonus they were actually a bit cheaper than the prices on the website. Anyway, overall rating, I will definitely buy them again if I see them at the butcher shop. Wow, they were good. Super rich though, two steaks fed the four of us easily. Donette made a new potato salad also that came out really well. Had a good time!
Lacking any other real content, I shall provide a few mini-rants stemming from grave injustices I suffered recently. First up is a local grocery revelation that occurred last week. Since our move out here, my go-to store has always been Nugget Markets. Heck, I’ve even got a link to them on my page. Love(d) that store. That decade-long support came to an end last week when I signed up for the weekly email from the Fork Lift store down in Cameron Park. As soon as I got my grocery ads on Wednesday (which is a huge moment of excitement in my life,) the scam became obvious. My Nugget ad and Fork Lift ad were exactly the same flyer. Not just similar, the exact same ad with a different name at the top. The same that is, except for the prices; Every single item at Fork Lift was between $1 and $2 cheaper. Every single one! That really adds up over a full grocery cart. Added bonus, it’s half the distance from my house. To think of all the money I’ve wasted over these years, tsk tsk. Just a few examples of this treachery:
Next up, an advertisement I saw on FaceBook for a local restaurant. Behold:

Tell me please, what exactly IS “Kansas style BBQ?” You can’t, of course, because IT DOESN’T EXIST!!! THERE IS NO SUCH THING!!!! This place is actually one of my favorites too, so it was a double whammy. I am not kidding, this actually marks the second time I have encountered this reference out here. The first was at a restaurant in EDH, which I was able to shake off as being… Well… In EDH. They don’t know any better, bless their hearts. (It was actually for “Kansas style ribs” though, which might be even more egregious.) So, now I am forced to strike my favorite steakhouse off my list of places to eat. They are dead to me.
Other random pictures:
What photo gallery software/addon do you use? Help a brother out here… 😛