Quiet On The Western Front

Nice and quiet weekend out here in the west.  I’m not necessarily sure I mean that in a good way either.  I don’t mind a slow couple of days, but sometimes we get a little extreme.  Oh we had a little bit of fun I guess.  Friday, as a matter of fact, was quite fun.  The weather was sort of crummy but we had friends over and grilled some nice lamb chops for dinner.  OK that might not sound super exciting, but it was for me.  I cannot count the times I’ve been at the store and thought “Man I sure would like to get those nice looking lamb chops.”  And then I buy a steak or chicken or whatever else might catch my eye.  This cycle has been going on for years, if not decades.  Well, some time ago, (Thanksgiving, as it happens,) we were out wine tasting at one my favorite places and ended up purchasing a rather special bottle, or at least as our wine collection goes.  We asked the owner what would pair well with it, and he said “lamb chops.”  Boom, it’s been stuck in my head ever since.  Lamb showed up in the weekly grocery ad last week and it was game on.  I must say, I was really happy with the dinner.  I followed this recipe pretty closely, pesto and all, and I thought it came out great.  And, by the way, it DID pair very nicely with the wine.  After that we broke out the long-dormant Rock Band game for a while.  I was having fun until I got kicked out the band for sucking at guitar.  In my own house.  Tsk.

Saturday, the highlight was probably Costco.  Yeah, one of those kind of days.  As a general rule of thumb it’s a bad idea to go to Costco (or Folsom on the whole) on Saturday, and this day was no exception.  But, I had a MAJOR PURCHASE to make, and got caught up in the excitement.  I was in the market for a new soundbar (for the living room TV) and they’ve usually got some nice ones for good prices.  Indeed, after a good bit of staring and reading online, I made my choice.  Unfortunately, as is too often the case, when I got home I found it just didn’t quite work the way I wanted it to.  I was right on the verge of boxing it up and taking it back, as it was by no means the cheapest option available, but decided to keep it a bit and see if I can make it work.  How do you make it work?  Well, you spend even more money.  I’ve got some more parts showing up from Amazon this week and we’ll see what happens.

Sunday was once again pretty quiet.  I’m on a medium-to-large project to set up our home automation, and spent probably way too much time on that.  Not sure why…  It’s kinda fun I guess.  Spent no small amount of time working with the puppy too, as was the case the other days also.  He’s….  “a handful.”  I like to tell myself he’s making progress though, and for that matter it’s only been a week.  A long, frustrating week, but a week.  For evening entertainment, we went to a friends house for their kids birthday party.  Not “kid’s” but “kids,” they’re twins.  For some reason every year it surprises me that their birthdays are on the same day.  Sort of slow that way I guess.