Starting The Year Off Right

Look at me, getting this updated on a Monday again.  Off to a solid start.  What hasn’t changed is a complete lack of material to work with.  Hey, that keeps it brief and makes the page load quicker.  Anyway…  Friday started off reasonably strong.  It was a super-tiring week at work, so I just went home and joined the wife for a nice quiet evening.  We’ve been on something of a roll cooking at home instead of going out, and didn’t see a good reason to break that streak.  We made a salmon dish with good ol’ Costco salmon, and lemons and oranges off our trees out back.  Pretty much everything we’ve eaten for the last few weeks, and several weeks to come, has lemon in it.  Whew there are a lot of them things, and they are good.  After dinner we sat around and enjoyed each other’s company with some deep conversation and a glass of wine.  Or, we may have sat in complete silence and stared at our phones.  One of those.

Saturday was perilously close to a complete waste of a day.  Since cutting off our cable we’ve managed to get reliable streams of NBC, Fox, and ESPN, and all three seemed to have some worthwhile programming for us to waste our time on.  The notable exception there is CBS…  Darn them.  Still haven’t figured that one out, and as a result we’re missing a few of the NFL playoff games.  So be it, The Man ain’t getting my money.  I suppose we could have headed out to a sports bar and watched it, but that sort of defeats the purpose of saving money in the first place.  We also kept pretty busy watching our friend’s dog Renfield all weekend.  They went out of town so we’re dog-sitting.  It’s a good deal for us though, he and Quinn are bestest of buddies.  A tired Quinn is a good Quinn.  On the downside, when they AREN’T tired they can be a bit…  “challenging,” but for the most part it’s a positive.  For dinner, I went up to the grocery store and picked up some sushi.  Hmmm.  I realize grocery-store-sushi sounds a little dangerous, but it was actually pretty good.  (And, more importantly, on sale.)  It’s made from local rice too, and for whatever reason I’m a sucker for local foods.  (That worked out a lot better in KC where the “local food” was delicious BBQ.  Here it’s any varietal of white rice you could ask for!  YUMM!!!  Not.  What can ya’ do.)  The only problem I had was that they were a bit skimpy on the accoutrements.  I could take or leave the wasabi, but I like my sushi-to-ginger ratio at about one to one, if not even leaning towards the ginger just a bit.  Guess I better pick up a jar for such emergencies.  After dinner we watched American Made, which I think we both found entertaining enough.  I actually stayed awake, so it must have been a real hit.

Sunday brought an eerily similar lineup of activities, which is to say, not much.  I took the little hellions on a good long walk, which seemed to only moderately tire them while thoroughly exhausting me.  I guess they’re packing a little less weight than myself.  They both walk pretty well on their leashes though, no complaints.  I’m starting to figure out how to correct Quinn when he starts acting up, he’s definitely making progress.  If Teagan started going astray, I would grab the leash with both fists and yank as hard as I possibly could, which she may or may not have bothered acknowledging.  Quinn does best with just a little tap on the leash with a thumb and finger.  Anything more than that and the poor little guy just cowers and looks up at you like “What’d I do, what’d I do?!?!?”  At least he’s learning I guess.  Sort of.  Maybe.  Some day.  After that we watched the second playoff game, despite the grating annoyance of Joe Buck’s voice.  I’m glad we stuck it out, that was quite the entertaining finish.  For dinner we grilled a tri-tip and some artichokes.  That was my first try at artichokes and they turned out…  Edible.  I’ll most likely file them in the “not worth the trouble” category.