Ugh, This Weather…

Wow, the weather out here has been just a bit erratic. (If you would like to provide me with a detailed theory as to why that is… Don’t.) Sheesh, I feel like I’m back in the midwest! Sunny and warm for a few days, then a snow storm, then rain, then hot. All in the span of a week. They have a “false Spring” joke out here, but this seems a little extreme. It’s April!! Oh, the injustice of it all.

That was a rather quiet weekend. Can’t go on Float Trip every weekend, I guess. My entire weekend entertainment was centered around cooking a few corned beefs left over from St Patricks day. In what will surely be documented as one of the most comprehensive pastrami studies in history, I smoked one from Costco, and one from my favorite local butcher shop. The excitement just never stops at my house. I definitely preferred the flavor of the one from Kings, although the Costco entry was a bit more tender. I can hardly wait until next year when I add one from Snake River Farms to the mix. Anyway, something came up Sunday, (geez my memory is bad,) and we didn’t get around to making pastrami sandwiches. That had to wait until Monday, which then pushed back publication of my update a few days while the scores were tallied. (I made up a few of those details.)

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