Weekend Off

We dialed things way back this weekend.  No ocean expeditions, no camping trips, no nuthin.  Donette has a lot of travel coming up, and of course the holidays are upon us, so we just kind of laid low and rested up.  I even wasted my revered Friday night on a bunch of nothing.  I cooked up a nice ribeye for dinner…  And that was about it.

Saturday I spent the entire day on my various computers.  My antivirus expired a few weeks ago, so I decided it was time to update that.  I went with the “new purchase” option, because they charge so stinking much to renew.  And, squarely in the “nothing is easy” category, I ended up having to remove my existing install and start from scratch.  The Man, always bringing me down.  I also worked on my elaborate photo-backup scheme.  I had a drive failure a few weeks ago, and darn near lost a bunch of photos because my backups weren’t working quite like I always thought they were.  Luckily I got it figured out, but decided to implement a secondary backup plan.  After looking at a few semi-pricey options, I opted for just using Amazon Drive.  They’ve got unlimited picture storage…  I want to store pictures…  Perfect crime.  So, I got it all set up, which was a little harder than anticipated, and launched it.  After it thought for a few seconds, it came back with “Now syncing 52,000 files.”  Oh my, I didn’t know I had THAT many pictures  So, if my website seems even slower than usual, it’s because it is still syncing.  It’s about 1/2-way there, I guess it’ll finish some time this week.

Sunday I immersed myself in the football games of the day, and followed my Fantasy Football team.  We even got “lucky” enough to get to watch the Chiefs game, a rarity out here.  So, now you know why they broke their winning streak, the bad luck charms were watching.  Sigh.  It was a moderately entertaining game at least.  I also took the somewhat sad step of bringing in my TV from the back porch.  I think porch-TV season is over.  The high is in the 50’s all week, so the evenings are just a little too chilly to sit out there.  Sad day.  On the upside, I set up a sweet little room in the garage as an alternative.  I’m not sure exactly what this buys me over just sitting in the living room, but it seemed like the thing to do.  We’ll see how it works out.