Will This Winter Ever End

I’m officially sick of the rainy, cold weather.  And, much like before I was officially sick of it, my opinion doesn’t seem to make much difference.  Geez what a year.  I don’t know if it’s ever going to warm up.  Actually what I imagine will happen is, it’s suddenly 105 out every day and there will be no stretch of 70 & sunny I look forward to every year.  Guess that’s the way it goes.

My weekend entertainment was severely hampered by said weather conditions.  We had friends over Friday and tried to watch TV on the patio, but the driving rain hammering against our aluminum cover made it impossible to hear anything.  We stuck it out though, at least until the heater ran out of propane.  That was the final straw, we called it an evening.

Saturday we never really got out of the gate.  The rain continued, and just made everything a mess.  Can’t take the dog out, can’t watch baseball on the patio, can’t go cycling…  WOE!!!  We did go out to a birthday party that night in Old Folsom, which provided some much-needed entertainment.  It only improved slightly on Sunday.  I did go out for a ride around 10:00, but cut it short because I was freezing.  Just couldn’t get warmed up.  I told myself a short ride is better than no ride;  Hopefully that’s the case.  After that we tried to watch the debacle that was the Royals game.  My mlb.com subscription is off to a rough start this year.  The video quality is so choppy it’s nearly unwatchable.  I did catch the last inning though, which effectively ruined my entire day.  After that we rolled over to a friend’s house for dinner and a little doggie play date.  Once again it was freezing out, cutting into my patio enjoyment.  (I may have exacerbated the situation by wearing shorts…)  But, dinner was delicious and the puppy got worn out so I call the evening a success.