Wine Country

I’m on vacation, which by all rights means I should be doing something besides updating this.  But, it’s early and we haven’t gotten around yet, so why not.  We kicked off our little vacation on Friday by going up to a friend’s house for dinner.  The usual sorts of things occurred:  A tasty dinner followed by an episode of Sopranos and me nodding off on the couch.  Standard issue.

Saturday I’m thinking we didn’t accomplish a whole lot…  Nothing I can remember anyway.  It was the kickoff of Sacramento Beer Week, so I felt obligated to at least make a cursory effort at participating in that.  They were doing a tasting at Sellands, which is just down the street from us.  It was packed though, and I wasn’t even familiar with the brewery, so we just had a taster and took off.  Feeling a little let down, we walked over to Hop House, only to find they weren’t even running anything “special.”  C’mon, you bill yourselves as a “tap house,” put some effort into it.  Oh well, what can ya’ do.  We headed back home and turned on some crappy TV instead.  For evening entertainment, our little 3-year-old friend came over and we baked cookies!  Boy I’m getting old.  Older?  Something.

Sunday we packed up the car and rolled down the hill a bit to Napa for a week of…  Whatever it is we’re going to do here.  We don’t have very firm plans.  The weather was pretty shaky yesterday so we just kind of got our bearings and walked around a little, followed by an evening in the hot tub.  We’ll see what the rest of the week brings.  At least I should have some pics to post next week if nothing else.